YCrossFit 1.0
A C++/ROOT Library for the analysis of the differential cross section of the Y(1S,2S,3S) resonances in two muons
This C++/ROOT Library was created by Giulio Cordova and Matilde Carminati for the Computing Methods for Experimental Physics and Data Analysis exam.
Using the Y(1S,2S,3S) resonances in two muons from the CMS open data, the main goals of this library are essentially two:
This functionalities are built in order to recreate similar plots of the article
Measurements of the Υ(1S), Υ(2S), and Υ(3S) differential cross sections in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV by the CMS collaboration, even if the data set are not the same.
For simplifying the usage, a main is provided in order to execute the program.
The whole project is built with CMake, so the first thing we want to do is to create a build directory where the makefiles and executables are going to be. This is simply done by typing in the terminal:
If we run the main of the library without specifying any flags or options, as it follows:
the program will create the plot of the differential cross section in pt of the Y resonances.
, which will compile and execute the script in CrossSection mode The default applied filters are:
This programs also offers a Fit functionality where the differential cross section is not calculated nor plotted, but a singular fit is performed. This is called by adding the option –mode (-m) fit to the executable call.
In Fit mode we can customize some cuts on the dimuon state using the flags described in the documentation of the file OptionParse.h
Say for example, that we want to apply the cuts \(20.0 < p_T < 30.0\) GeV and \(|y| < 0.5\) for the dimuon state and save the plot in a file named CustomizeCuts.pdf.
We can type in the terminal
and the following figure is produced and saved in the file CustomizeCut.pdf inside the Plots folder.
An exhaustive list of options are flags can also be obtained by typing in the terminal
In order to use the library as the author thought, a main is provided with it. In this section, the structure of the program is explained as if we were reading the code starting from the main and following the function calls.
The first thing one wants to do is to initialize some parameters. This step is necessary because the options and flags are passed as pointers in the function ProcessArgs()
, so that they can be modified by the user with the flag syntax while calling the executable from terminal.
The default values are:
In the optionParse.C
file are also defined functions in order to handle parameters out of bounds and non-existing ones.
The data are loaded and manipulated (to have useful variables) using the functions defined inside
. Since the data are heavy, it is really slow to read them online every time one calls the program. Therefore, it was decided to download them and store them in a folder Data.
The Dataset is saved through a Snapshot of the Dataframe with new useful variables:
This variables are defined in order to make fast and efficient cuts on the Dataframe. In the function df_set()
is also handled the creation of the folder Data if not already existing.
In the file Cuts.C one can decide the cuts to be applied in the dataframe.
It is possible to choose custom cuts on the trasverse momentum and the rapidity of the dimuon state, by adding an option while calling the program from the terminal. For example, the line
requests the cuts to be \( 12 < p_T <50 \) GeV and \( 0.2 < |y| < 1.4 \), but this dataframe is not saved. Once the dataframe is cut, the report on the cuts is printed on stream.
The selected data are preliminary drawn on a canvas as an histohgramm of the invariant mass of the dimuon. The canvas is saved as nameFile_Preliminary.pdf, where nameFile is the name passed through command line with the flag -n or –nameFile. If no argument is provided, the default value for nameFile is "YResonacesFit". In the file SpectrumPlot.C
is also defined a function in order to handle the saving of figures in the folder Plots. If it does not exist, it is recreated.
In fitRoo.C
the plotted histogramm is fitted by RooFit to a PDF choosable with the flag -f [–fitFunction]. The options are:
The histogram and the fitted function are drawn on a canvas which is saved as nameFile.pdf. If there are custom cuts, these are printed on the canvas.
Using the customizable function fitRoo()
, it is possible calculate the differential cross section of the process \(Y\rightarrow\mu^+\mu^-\)
\[ \frac{d\sigma}{dp_t} = \frac{N}{L \Delta p_T e_{uu} e_{sg} e_{vp} A} \]
where \(N\) is a fit parameter that says how many events are under the signal function and \(\Delta p_T\) is the width of the bin in \(p_T\) (i.e. the width of cut on the trasverse momentum). The value of the acceptance A is fixed to 1, and the other values are some costants taken from the article "Measurements of the Υ(1S), Υ(2S), and Υ(3S) differential cross sections in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV".
A more detail description of the functions used it can be found in diffCrossSection.h
Since the program is built with CMake, the testing was performed using CTest. A brief description of each test is presented below. To run the test, one must move inside the build folder and run the simple command ctest.
Test0 handles the reading of the command arguments and flags. In this test one define some variables, call the processArgs()
and sees if the definition stands, then one modify the arguments and check if the options are evolved according to the made changes
Here is tested the online reading of the data and the behavior in case the Data folder or the Data file is missing. In the test, the folder Data is deleted and the function df_set()
is called. This function should handle the creation of the folder Data and the downloading and saving of the data. Once finished this first step, we check if the Data folder exists and if it contains the file data.root. Next, we keep the folder Data and we eliminate the file data.root. The function df_set()
is called again and after it finished, one check if the data is successfully recreated.
In this test the fit results are controlled. First off, one defines a model with a similar shape to the one expected and calls the function fitRoo()
passing this model as an argument instead of the real data. The test checks if the fit converged by looking at the fitStatus and also check if the returned parameters are inside 5 sigma of the initial value.
This one tests the function SavePlot()
which handles the saving of a canvas with a specific filename. If the folder Plots does not exist, it creates it.
This test is useful to check if the printing of the custom cuts on the canvas work. It compares the strings returned by the function formatYString()
or formatPtString()
with the expected ones.
The styling of the code files is formatted and checked using the library clang-format, using the guidelines provided by the ROOT official page.