RooFitResult * fitRoo(TH1 *hh, int mr=0, int fr=0, float pmr=std::nanf("1"), float pMr=std::nanf("1"), float ymr=std::nanf("1"), float yMr=std::nanf("1"), std::string fnr="YResonancesFit", int vr=0, int cr=0)
Implementation of the fit function.
TString formatPtString(float pmr=std::nanf("1"), float pMr=std::nanf("1"))
Formatting the string to be displayed on the canvas regarding the cuts made on pt.
TString formatYString(float ymr=std::nanf("1"), float yMr=std::nanf("1"))
Formatting the string to be displayed on the canvas regarding the cuts made on y.